Interview with Alessandra Sensini

8 June 2023

“I believe it has been a great opportunity for Riccardo Pianosi to grow. He had an amazing final with three victories, making the right choices, and it paid off. Flavio Marx entered the gold fleet and finished thirteenth with very good races. In the U19 category, Angelo Soli managed to win the Silver fleet. Paolillo, De Nicolò, and Houze also performed well, all talented and nearly all experiencing their first competition. They narrowly missed entering the gold fleet, but they understood what they need to work on, so it was a constructive championship for them.” – Alessandra Sensini, Head of the Youth Sector at FIV.

“With 91 athletes from 22 countries and representing 4 continents, we experienced exciting moments during the European and World Youth and Masters Formula Kite Championships. It was an extraordinary experience to live through a highly challenging championship, where our own Riccardo Pianosi won the gold medal.”

“A special thanks to the Tourism Department of the Region of Sardinia. The event is part of the rich calendar of ‘Sardegna Isola dello Sport’ Grand Events sponsored by the Regional Department. We would also like to express our gratitude to the Municipality of Oristano, the Sardegna Foundation, and the Oristano Foundation for their valuable support.”

“We would like to thank our sponsors, Crai and Centro Cash, for their support to the event.”

“We can’t wait to welcome you at our @eoloristobartorregrande, where you can enjoy delicious food.”

“Discover a world of sports offered by our Eolo team @asdeolo_beachsport.”

“Stay tuned for more exciting water sports events on the shores of Torregrande as we approach the inaugural event of Olympic Kiteboarding in 2024!”





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